
Read This When You Feeling Sad and Hurt, But Do not Know why...

There must be days where you just want to give up, where it seems you want to hide under the covers and never come out. There must be days where it feels the sky is not blue, but only gray. Sometimes there are times when we feel that there is nothing right in our lives, it seems all a waste, and sometime will come a better day than this.

And more, it's hard to keep trying. Sometimes life is really hard, more difficult than you can imagine. You never even think that life can treat you like this. If you see the layman from the outside, it seems all is well, but inside, you can not find happiness.

You keep thinking and keep thinking. What is wrong? How come? What should I do? And even if you keep asking and searching, that answer can not be found. You just do not feel fit to be here anymore.

When you feel sad, feel empty and you do not know why. You can not explain this feeling with words. But you know what you feel.

Maybe you're tired of the same name as life. Maybe this is a feeling that often comes to haunt you, but let it be. Despite the turmoil, you do not give up. You can feel tired, tired, and sad - but do not give up.

Probably not much you can do right now, but start by breathing first. Breathe deeply, and release. Let go of all the burdens and expectations that you carry. Maybe your goal today is just to breathe and survive, no matter what, it's not a bad thing.

Maybe you feel you are too damaged to be repaired, or it feels the brain can not walk anymore. But believe me your body is strong, you will definitely get better.

Every day you are still here, you are still given the opportunity to strengthen yourself again. Believe me, you're not totally ruined. You are only slightly injured. There is nothing forever in this world, including feelings of sadness and upset too. So be patient a little, wait a minute, these hard days will pass too.

Believe me, you'll get better. You will find things that make you happy again. You will meet people who can make you smile again. And you will go to places that amaze you of this world. Believe me, because you are strong. Remember: sad does not mean you are weak!