People say, if you want to have a great honor, then have to work hard. The impact of our body is easily tired and sometimes sick. In addition to our tired bodies, the mind was stressed. As a result our work performance decreased further.
Did you know, there is a work table that we do not need hard work, even bias casual casual but has an exorbitant honorarium. Anything ?
Make Over Artist
Celebrity world will not be separated from make up. Every artist will use it before they appear on the screen. This is done so that they look beautiful and charming in the eyes of the audience and fans. Do they use their own makeup? Apparently not, they have a special make over. Yes, they are Make Over Artist. How much does their honor once make up? Based on search results, their Honor ranges from 8-20 Million. Fastastic is not it?
Being a tutor is very fun, and certainly relaxed. We are not burdened with the rules and obligations to educate students like in school. His working hours are very flexible, what about his honorarium? Honor teacher tutors are counted per Hour teaching (45 Minutes) ranging from 70.000-100.000 / Jam. If, 1 Day teaches 8 Hours, then in a month the honor is 16,000,000-24.000.000.
Only capitalize Camera and hobby to the world of photography turned out if you become a photographer honornya fantastic loh. In a day you can pocket money Rp. 500.000-2.500.000.
Social Media Admin
So the admin was really nasty. Whenever and wherever you can do it. Even while lying down can. His job cumin make status / tweet and upload photos / video. Simple is not it? A matter of honor? Apparently Honornya Rp. 500.000-1.000.000 / bulan depending on how many parties are using this service.
Copy Writer
This job is very easy. You just copy and paste the article from another website to the website that you will fill the article. Then, you put the source. Simple is not it ?. Usually companies target 5 Articles a day. Honor from this job starts from Rp.1.000.000-3.000.000 / bulan.
That's 5 jobs that are relaxed for you to do, but have a great honor. Which would you choose?
Author: Rachma Wibowo